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时间:2012-05-14 16:41来源:谢泽文 作者:谢泽文 点击:
      Thursday, May-17, 2012 08:30 09:10 Auditorium, 1st Floor, Guiyuan Hotel Opening Ceremony Moderator : Zengyang Xu (Academic Dean, Professor , School of Management, CCNU) Opening Speeches - by the University President - by Anthony Saich (D


  Thursday, May-17, 2012
08:30 – 09:10
1st Floor, Guiyuan Hotel
 Opening Ceremony
  ModeratorZengyang Xu  (Academic Dean, Professor , School of Management,  CCNU) 
 Opening Speeches
 -  by the University President
 -  by Anthony Saich (Daewoo Professor of International Affairs,
                     Director Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation
                     Harvard Kennedy School of Government  on behalf of the Harvard-Yenching Institute).
 -  by Lirong Zhang (Dean, Professor, School of Management, CCNU)
 -  by Xitang Liu ( Deputy Director, Social Assistance Department, Ministry of Civil Affairs, PRC)
 Group Photo
09:10– 10:30
1st Floor, Guiyuan Hotel
 Moderator: Christine Wong   (Professor, Director, Department of Contemporary  China Studies, School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies Oxford University)
 Speaker:Stein Ringen  (Professor, Department of Social Policy; fellow, Green Templeton College, Oxford University )
 Topic :Social Welfare and Effective Governance: The Case of South Korea
 Discussant:Jun Ma (Professor, School of Government, Sun Yat-Sen University)

 Speaker:Xitang Liu  ( Deputy Director, Social Assistance Department, Ministry of Civil Affairs, PRC)
 Topic: From Social Relief to Social Welfare- the Internal Logic of the Development of Social Policy in China
 Discussant:Anthony Saich (Daewoo Professor of International Affairs,
  Director Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation,
  Harvard Kennedy School of Government)
10:30 – 10:40   Tea & Coffee Break
10:40 – 12:00
1st Floor, Guiyuan Hotel
 Moderator Lirong Zhang   (Dean, Professor, School of Management, CCNU)
 SpeakerDasong Deng  (Professor, School of Political Science and Public Administration, Wuhan University)
 Topic: Reforms of Social Welfare System and the Practices in China
 Discussant:Qin Gao  (Associate Professor, Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service)
 Speaker:Huck-ju Kwon  (Professor, Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University)
 Topic:Establishing Social Assistance in Southeast Asia: Analysis of policy process
 Discussant:Byung-Cheol Kim (Associate professor, China's Social Security Research Center , Renmin University)
13:30 –  15:50
1st Floor, Guiyuan Hotel
 Moderator: Xitang Liu  (Deputy Director, Social Assistance Department, Ministry of Civil Affairs, PRC)

 Speaker: Anthony Saich  (Daewoo Professor of International Affairs,
Director, Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation,
Harvard Kennedy School of Government)

 Topic:China’ s Social Welfare Policy; Towards Social Citizenship
 Discussant:Stein Ringen  (Professor, Department of Social Policy; fellow, Green Templeton College, Oxford University )
 Speaker:Lirong Zhang  (Professor, School of Management ,CCNU)

 Topic: Social Welfare in China: Institutional Transition and Government Responsibility
 Discussant:Dasong Deng  (Professor, School of Political Science and Public Administration, Wuhan University)
15:50 – 16:00  Tea & Coffee break
16:00 – 18:00
1st Floor, Guiyuan Hotel
 Moderator: Dorothy J. Solinger  (Professor, University of California, Irvine)
 Speaker: Jun Ma  (Professor, School of Government, Sun Yat-Sen University)
 Topic:    The Rise of the Power of the Purse in Chinese Cities
 Discussant:Christine Wong (Professor, Director, Department of Contemporary China Studies, School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies Oxford University)
 Speaker:Qin Gao  ( Associate Professor, Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service)
 Topic:Chinese Welfare State in Transition
 Discussant:Yeun-wen Ku  (Professor, Department of Social Work and    Research Institute, National Taiwan University)
 Speaker:Yasuhiro Kamimura  (Associate Professor, Graduate School of   Environmental Studies, Nagoya University)
 Topic:  Varieties of Labor Market and Social Security in East Asia: Tackling the   Barrier of Informal Employment
  Discussant:Jinglun Yue  (Professor, School of Government, Sun Yat-Sen University)

Friday,May-18 ,2012
08:30 –09:50 
1st Floor, Guiyuan Hotel
 Moderator:Anthony Saich (Daewoo Professor of International Affairs,
Director, Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation,
Harvard Kennedy School of Government)
 Speaker:Sophie Fenghua Zhou  (Associate professor, School of Management, CCNU)
 Topic:Selectivity,Welfare Stigma and Welfare Take-up--How Do Chinese People Manage Welfare Stigma?
 Discussant:Dorothy J. Solinger  (Professor, University of California, Irvine)
 Speaker:Yeun-wen Ku  (Professor, Department of Social Work and Research Institute, National Taiwan University)
 Topic:Towards an Inclusive Society: Challenges for the Developmental Welfare Regime in Taiwan
 Discussant:Huck-ju Kwon  (Professor, Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University)
09:50 – 10:00 Tea & Coffee Break
10:00 – 11:20
1st Floor, Guiyuan Hotel
Moderator:Huck-ju Kwon (Professor, Graduate School of Public Administration, Seoul National University)
SpeakerByung-Cheol Kim (Associate professor, China's Social Security Research Center , Renmin University)
TopicThe impact of the political system on the model of social policy in East Asia——On the East Asian social model does not exist
Discussant: Qin Gao  (Associate Professor, Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service)
Speaker : Dorothy J. Solinger  (Professor, University of California, Irvine)
Topic:Roots of Relief: Some Thoughts on Variation Among Welfare Regime, Their Goals and their Methods
Discussant:Stein Ringen  (Professor, Department of Social Policy; fellow, Green Templeton College, Oxford University )
11:20 – 11:50
1st Floor, Guiyuan Hotel
Closing Ceremony
Moderator:Hong Deng  (Party Secretary, School of Management, CCNU) 
Closing Speeches:
-      by  Anthony Saich (Daewoo Professor of International Affairs,  Director, Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation, Harvard Kennedy School of Government, on behalf of the Harvard-Yenching Institute).
-      by  Lirong Zhang (Dean, Professor, School of Management, CCNU)


    • 刘超


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