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哈佛燕京学社简介-Harvard-Yenching Institute

时间:2012-05-14 16:48来源:谢泽文 作者:谢泽文 点击:

      The Harvard-Yenching Institute (HYI) was founded in 1928 with funding provided solely from the estate of Charles M. Hall. The Institute is dedicated to supporting and advancing higher education in Asia in the humanities and social sciences, with special attention to the study of Chinese culture.
      HYI is independent of Harvard University on the legal and financial aspects, though it is located on the campus of Harvard University. It has a nine-member Board of Directors.  It consists of several members including the Director. Elizabeth J. Perry, Professor of School of Government in Harvard University, is the Director of HYI.
      The Harvard-Yenching Institute has several fellowship programs that bring scholars from Asia to conduct research at Harvard University, to participate in special training programs, or to attend graduate school at Harvard University as well as other universities in the U.S. and abroad. Also The Institute is a supporter of some independently published journals and books in China, such as SDX and HYI Academic Series.

    • 刘超


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